lunedì 10 ottobre 2011


Happy New Year!sketch in the studysketch in the studysketch in the studysketch in the study
sketch in the studyNuraghe Losa- internodedicato a chi ama CezanneDonne-MutterFigure-MutterPrime madri
Figure -acrylic on cardboard3figurematresnuraghe

preistoriche, a set on Flickr.

My recent visit to Nuraghi inspired me as if he has received in the ancient stones of women, large, powerful, and perhaps even obscure. Dark as the Great Mother goddesses of prehistory.

La mia recente visita ai Nuraghi mi ha ispirato come se nelle antiche pietre abbia percepito presenze femminile, grandi , possenti e forse anche oscure.
Oscure come le dee Grandi Madri della preistoria.